The notion of the eighth climate, or “the imaginal”, goes back to the 12thcentury Persian mystic and philosopher Sohravardi, and was elaborated by the 20th century French philosopher Henri Corbin. It is an addition to the seven physical climates of the earth identified by ancient Greek geographers.
Unlike in the seven earthly climates, the eighth climate is not based on a separation of matter and spirit, history and myth – it is ontologically real and existing, but beyond our ordinary way of perceiving and understanding things. The eighth climate establishes real imaginative knowledge and function, while escaping rationalism as we know it. The eighth climate is also known as mundus imaginalis in Latin (the imaginal world).
光州ビエンナーレの公式サイト内「Exhibition Structure」によると、今年のテーマである「the eighth climate(第八の風土)」(あるいは「imagial」)とは、12世紀のイランの照明学的哲学者スフラワルディーの時代まで遡り、20世紀のフランスの哲学者アンリ・コルバンが精巧に作り上げた概念ということです。